Header photos

Check here how many of our header photos you were able to identify!

Stvanice lock on the Vltava in the city of Prague, Czech Republic

Barge passing the wide basin and boat harbour at Zaandam north of Amsterdam

Canal in the historic centre of Yangzhou, China (site of WCC 2012)

The Canal du Midi in front of Toulouse railway station, (site of WCC 2013)

Disused grain terminals at Buffalo, NY, where the Erie Canal reaches Lake Erie

Ringsend Basin on the Grand Canal in Dublin, Ireland

Attractively landscaped canal just north of Yangzhou city centre

Arsenal basin and boat harbour on the Canal Saint-Martin in Paris

Caledonian Canal locks at Muirtown, Inverness, Scotland
Artist's impression of the completed waterway
Artist’s impression of the now-completed Gyeong-In Waterway, South Korea

Aqueduct carrying the Canal de Garonne over the navigable river Baïse
Puumala quay in the heart of Lake Saimaa

Trevor Basin on the Llangollen Canal, a UNESCO World Heritage site

A 220-tonne ‘Freycinet’ barge on the Saône at Tournus

Aggregates push-tow in the port of Chalon-sur-Saône
(during a Waterways World Readers’ Cruise)

The Naviglio della Martesana at Cernusco sul Naviglio, east of Milan
(by Prof. Edo Bricchetti)

Opening of the Upper Vltava Navigation at Ceske Budejovice in June 2011
(by Tom Kolarik)

Danube cruise ship approaches the mooring at the port of Belgrade, on the river Sava

Push-tow and passenger boat on the lower river Seine near Vernon
(©VNF/Pascal Lemaître)

Droitwich Barge Lock which was reopened in 2008 after restoration work carried out by IWA’s Waterway Recovery Group (photo by Chris Handscombe)


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